All reporting forms need to be downloaded and saved to your own computer/Google Drive prior to editing. I won't share editing rights or it will change the original document.
Leadership Training
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2025
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Orem City Center Emergency Operations Center – 56 North State Street
This meeting is for all block captains, neighborhood leaders, area leaders, HAM radio operators, and anyone else interested in learning about the ins and outs of the City of Orem Drill.
Meet with your Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Specialist
- Work together to update block information.
- Review the Block Captain Instruction Sheet.
- Review lines of communication during a disaster.
Get to know your block
- Introduce yourself and the drill to any new neighbors.
- If you have an Assistant Block Captain, review your responsibilities during the drill and during a disaster.
Inform the residents on your block on the drill specifics.
a. Make copies of the flyers for distribution to EVERY household prior to September 18th.
b. Meet each household and pre-populate the Block Incident Tally and Reporting Form with names and numbers of people in each household.
c. Explain the drill and invite everyone to attend and participate.
d. Leave one flyer a few weeks before the drill and deliver a second flyer a few days prior to the drill.
a. Make copies of the flyers for distribution to EVERY household prior to September 18th.
b. Meet each household and pre-populate the Block Incident Tally and Reporting Form with names and numbers of people in each household.
c. Explain the drill and invite everyone to attend and participate.
d. Leave one flyer a few weeks before the drill and deliver a second flyer a few days prior to the drill.
Plan any social gathering or event for after the drill that makes sense for your block. Potlucks, BBQs, preparedness presentations, and/or emergency training. Have fun with it!
(Just a reminder… this drill is optional for all residents. If someone doesn’t want to particpate, then please just move on)
Sound an alarm of some sort at EXACTLY 6:00 pm
- Honk a car horn, use an air horn, or find some creative way to inform your block that the drill has started.
After the alarm has been sounded
- Block will gather at the designated meeting place.
- Elect a Block Captain if yours is not available.
- Check on all individuals and families in your block.
- Try to address any life-threatening needs (in an actual emergency).
- Block Captain fills out the Block Incident Tally and Reporting Form to take to the Neighborhood Command Center (pre-designated location).
- Runners (at least 2) take form to designated Neighborhood Command meeting place ASAP.
Editable PDF Block Captain Incident Tally and Reporting Form – (Fillable once downloaded)
- Divide neighborhood map into BLOCKS of between 6-10 homes.
- Recruit volunteer BLOCK CAPTAINS for each block.
- Attend city trainings and provide training to Block Captains and Neighborhood leaders.
- Communicate information from the city to your neighborhood.
- Promote the drill to all residents in the Neighborhood boundaries.
- Train Neighborhood Preparedness Specialists on the Block Captain program.
- Attend city trainings and provide training to your Area leaders and Communication Specialists.
- Promote the drill to all residents in the Area boundaries.
- Participate in planning the drill by attending all planning meetings (see calendar).
- Promote Block Captain/Leadership training on August 28th (see flyers on the “Publicity” tab on this website).